Life Lately

Our little family on Loch Etive. Photo credit: Stephanie Dill

Our little family on Loch Etive. Photo credit: Stephanie Dill

Life has been pretty crazy hectic around here these past few months. In early September, Aaron submitted his Master's Thesis and then our adorable daughter Georgiana was born just a few days later. Now over a month into this parenting gig, we're figuring things out (I hope?) and learning so much about Georgie. Who knew newborns could be so entertaining!? She's been such a sweet addition to our family and we are soaking up her darling, dimpled smiles and oohing over her growth while lamenting our lack of sleep. Fortunately, we've had plenty of family visiting to assist us and dote on her, which has greatly helped us out.

Photo credit: Stephanie Dill. ;) 

Photo credit: Stephanie Dill. ;) 

I plan on keeping up the blog (promise!) and I have a few posts in mind, including one about the midwifery system here in Scotland. And fortunately for us, Georgiana loves cars, train, and subways so we're planning on continuing our traveling adventures as often as we can. One of the things we insisted very early on is continuing to travel, not just out of necessity, but because we want Georgie to experience the world and learn about new foods, cultures, and traditions from an early age. We're under no allusions that traveling will be as easy as it was, but I think in a sense it will be even more rewarding to watch her experience the world. 

So, that's what we've been up to, in case you've been wondering and anxiously checking the blog and I promise you won't have to wait two months for our next posting. ;)