A Bunch of This and That

Why yes, I love reading Daphne du Maurier. How could you tell? 

Why yes, I love reading Daphne du Maurier. How could you tell? 

This has been a pretty incredible week overall. We finally got our visas so we officially book our tickets for Scotland! I got the email and did a happy dance, because it finally seems to be coming together, bit by bit. 

I read this Kinfolk article a couple of days ago about adjusting your kitchen and eating habits to your locale. “The world is filled with nomads who hanker for their version of comfort miles away from the countries they call home." I know I'll miss some American foods (Chic-Fil-A, mac and cheese, and good southern cooking), but I'm looking forward to expanding my tastes as we settle in. 

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If you follow me on Instagram, you'll notice that I've been practicing calligraphy. We just bought these books on Spencerian handwriting techniques and it's so nice to sit across each other every evening and practice. (And pretty handwriting is a win too!)

I stumbled across this article a couple of days ago as I was researching different types of pens. I love that each of her points can apply to most artistic studies. It can be so difficult to stay motivated and inspired and it's nice to read about others who struggle and how they cope. 

Greenville, South Carolina made it to the Scout Guide! Everything they say about that city is spot on! Soby's is an excellent restaurant and I can agree 100% with the shrimp and grits. SO. GOOD. 

Last night Aaron and I were discussing our yearly recap letter we send out at Christmastime. It's not too early, right? He mentioned designing a seal for the top of our letter and I found this shop! I'm crossing my fingers for a stamp seal for the top of the letters and a similar address seal for the envelopes. 

Last but not least, make THIS for dinner this week. It's amazing and the leftovers are superb. I'm already planning on making it again next week. 

Have a wonderful weekend! :)