Starry Night


Last night when Aaron suggested we wake up at 3:00 am to see the Perseid meteor shower, I stifled a laugh and really hoped he wasn't serious. He was, and this morning we both groggily got up and drove to Bald Rock to see if we could spot some meteors. 

We saw a few flash overhead as we drove up to Bald Rock and once we got up the mountain and comfortably seated, we watched for the meteors to streak across the sky. 


We saw so many meteors! I'd never seen that many shooting across the sky. Of course, I didn't manage to get a single picture of one. (I'm slowly working on long exposure photography and between the light pollution from downtown and the clouds overhead, it made stars a bit difficult  to photograph.) 

If you didn't see any meteors this morning, you're still in luck! Although the best views were early this morning, sources say that the meteors should still be visible tonight, and for the next few nights and early mornings.