Busy as a bee

I've aways been a fan of honey, but petrified of bees.  I was always too frightened to go see the bees. Even the small, closed containers full of moving bees and honeycomb scared me. What if they got lose?! I can remember as a small child, my mom driving up to the honey place. She would get out with empty Mason jars and hand it over to the lady at the counter who would promptly disappear and reappear with full jars. Golden magic. I'd sit in the car with the windows and door tightly shut to protect against the dreadful creatures.

These days, we have tall, thin jars of golden honey stored in a cabinet under the counter. Liquid gold. This precious liquid comes from the busy bees in the backyard (tongue twister alert!).

Occasionally, I'll venture out to the hives. Have you ever sat and watched bees? They fly out of the hive, one at a time. Whizzing here and there, climbing into flowers, flying around trees, bringing back fuzzy golden goodness. I watch them and noticed, the bees don't just rest on their little landing pad in front of the hive. Instead, they are constantly in motion.

As I sit here, working away on my computer, I realize I am the least bee-like creature out there. I get easily distracted from my work and suddenly find myself browsing Pinterest. Instead of doing the dishes, I'll watch an extra episode on Netflix.

So this morning I decided something new. Instead of squandering my time, I'm going to use it well. I wrote up my to-do list. I've begun checking things off. I'll work harder, work better, use my time to the best of my ability. 

After all, with a bee as a role model, I'd better get busy. ;) 
