Tuesday things

I’ve been wishing we were going to Scotland after all. The disappointment of not going still stings. I probably wouldn’t think about it nearly as much if the weather here would clear up and be hot and sunny, but on the gray, foggy days like today, I start longing for a land I’ve never been. I’m pouring over pictures of Scotland, trying to envision what the land is like and the weather and people. I watch BBC tv with the goal of hear Scottish accents and so I can better understand the cadence of their speech. I have an unsatisfied curiosity about Scotland and I hope to keep that interest peaked through the next year.

Lately, I’ve been trying to think about jobs. Yay, exciting, right? I gave my notice on Friday and am trying to decide if I want to branch out, put myself out there and work from home (YES?!) or try to find another office job (Meh). I think you can probably tell what direction my heart is.

What else…

My husband and I went on a reorganization spree. Saturday night we sat down, pulled out the tape measure and began to figure out what would fit where. After about 45 minutes of measuring (him) sweeping up active little dust bunnies (me) we decided to keep our blue armchair and take out the desk and the bookshelf and replace the whole thing with one, shorter but wider, bookshelf. (Also, my husband is selling his computer. Any takers?!) See how much space it opened up? And ignore the kitty toy box. Someone is spoiled. We have other plans that consist of buying some small ottomans to add seating but all in good time. Someday, when the place is spotless, I’ll photograph a tour. Reorganizing in a tiny apartment is so difficult, but this felt like a good step forward and hopefully it will continue to stay organized. We’re getting creative here, folks.

WE’RE GETTING INTERNET TODAY! I want to scream that from the rooftops. We’ve been using my in-law’s internet for a while now. Usually, I can catch a nap before Pinterest loads and another snooze before Facebook properly loads. I know, it’s not that big of a deal in the long run, BUT looking for jobs, uploading blog posts, and just pinteresting is really difficult when the internet doesn’t work.

Now that I’ve bored you all to sleep with my thrilling post, I’m going to sign out now. Happy Tuesday, friends!

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