The Next Great Adventure (an update)

I had to take a break, guys. My life was crazy hectic and I didn't want to overload the blog with nonsense. I'd rather have deeper posts that are thoughtful than fluff about what shoes I wore today (although I may do an outfit post someday soon)!

I quit my job on Friday. I had the greatest feeling of moving on and that my time there was fully done. I almost skipped out of the building that day!

My next big adventure? Working from home. I have several projects that are demanding my attention and I'm more than ready to give them my all.

So, today was my first day at home. I honestly loved it. I got up early and followed a good routine. I worked all morning at the kitchen table and spent the afternoon curled up in my comfy blue chair, researching and slowly filling out an Excel sheet. This is the best day of work I've had in a while. I feel that I have actually accomplished something and that is the best feeling.

Now, I'm off to cook dinner for my husband and cross my fingers that it is tasty. Weekend review will be coming up next! :)
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