Hello, Monday

The first day back at work after a three day weekend is always a killer. It’s ten times worse after a wonderful weekend… And this last weekend was pure bliss!

 Reading in the woods. 

 The stream where we fished for trout. 

My husband took me camping with his family at Hurricane Campground in western Virginia. It’s a very small campground; around 30 campsites which is ideal for woodsy camping. We saw deer, were warned about bears, heard owls all night long, caught tiny toads that were stunned by the light of our flashlights, and fished for brook trout in the stream. We talked around the fire at the night, drank too much tea and soda, laughed, gazed in wonder at the stars and the Milky Way, hiked around the campgrounds which is right on the Appalachian Trail, napped in the hammock, and had an all-around, wonderful time.

So, this was an amazing breakfast my husband cooked!

The falls in Grayson Highlands. 

On Saturday, we went for a brisk hike around Grayson Highlands, following a stream uphill as it broke into multiple waterfalls. My in-laws’ dogs played around in the water and we looked for the wild ponies. Sadly, we didn’t see any, but promised ourselves that for our next visit, we would hike the highlands and hopefully see some. Grayson Highlands is a beautiful park, with places for camping and many trails for hiking. The views were spectacular and it was crisp and almost chilly up on the hilltop.

The last night we spent at the camp was incredibly quiet. Most of our nearby campers had left and it was just my husband and I. We saw a deer in the morning as we made breakfast, ate a fish my husband caught, and had the laziest day.

I hope you all had a safe and wonderful 4th of July! Best of luck getting acclimated to normal non-holiday life again! ;)