What We've Been Up To


Well, the short answer is not much and oh so much.

Not much, because obviously we’re under lockdown. Quick refresher: We cannot leave the house except to do a daily walk, buy emergency only groceries, pick up medicine from the chemist, or care for an at risk person.


The last time we all left the house by car was 22 March, 2020.

What we have been doing is taking long (for a toddler) walks on the local golf course, preferably in the early morning before people get up. We’ve been cooking/baking a lot (Aaron has been perfecting his bread recipes), we’ve been spending time out in our wee garden, and Aaron even managed to get the stuff to build a gate so the kids can’t escape and terrorise the local cats. We’ve been reading a lot, discussing politics a lot, working and writing a lot, stopping toddler fights a lot, saying “be kind” a lot… Every night I fall into bed absolutely knackered.

This isn’t how we planned to spend our (possibly) last spring in Scotland. I had grand dreams of traveling down to Culzean Castle, up to Glencoe, and visiting local gardens to see the flowers blossom. I wanted to see the newborn lambs, watch the hills erupt into a vivid shade of yellow from the gorse, walk along the banks of the Clyde and look for sea glass and treasures the tide has brought in.

It’s been a challenge, but some aspects of it have been fun. Watching the kids explore what is around us locally and see their faces as they spot bluebells or gorse or birds in the sky. Nearly every evening, I sit and watch the sunset slip behind the hills on the other side of the river. The clouds make it absolutely stunning with vivid shades of yellow, orange, red, pink, and purple. I’ve been reading a lot and buying a lot of books too, because while we don’t know how long this lockdown will last, I want to be prepared and to keep my mind active.


I won’t say this is the best time we’ve ever had together, but it’s not the worst either. We are finding out there is so much we can do at home, and this is stretching us in ways we never thought possible. I’m so grateful we’re here and I’m so grateful to the NHS for sacrificing their lives and times to help others.

I keep meaning to keep up on the blog more, but our daily life is kinda boring these days. :) Of course, I’m always active on Instagram, so that’s a great way to stay in touch with me and see little snippets of our lives. I’m still thinking of a new series I can start that I can do from home whilst in lockdown. I haven’t had any great inspiration yet, but maybe I’ll think up something before this is all over. :)

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