Friday Links

Phew, three whole days of blogging in a row. I'm trying very hard to be consistent and exercise my brain a little and with that comes some writing (ok, blogging here). It's a good way to stretch myself mentally without doing too much to disturb the sleeping infant on my lap. 

Anyhow, enough of that! Here are some interesting links I've found through this week and thought I'd share with you! 


I could have written this article myself, but I loved her encouragement at the end. "This reality is why I can lay my tired head down to sleep tonight, knowing full-well I won’t sleep all the way through, but understanding that motherhood, with all its joy and fatigue, is working for me a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory than I could ever imagine." 

Remember Monopoly from MacDonalds during the 1990s? Yeah, this guy is why we never won. An  absolutely fascinating story! 

This beautiful article on living abroad with kids.  "I am now a mother of two living on a different continent than my village. No one comes to visit while we are in the hospital, but I don’t feel alone. I feel the roots of my own tree solidifying into the Earth. I finally feel a little bit brave." 

I ate this for lunch every day for three days this week. So delicious!

We (Aaron and I) have pretty strong views on recycling and living responsibility, especially since moving here to Scotland, where we've seen copious amounts of litter on destroying some beautiful scenery. This Instagram account is pretty awesome about raising awareness for recycling and traveling responsibly here in Scotland. 

And that's all for today, friends! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 


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