Christmas Recap

I know, Christmas was several weeks ago but we spent our idyllic Christmas on the side of a mountain in Wyoming (with minimal wifi - which was really lovely), and after that I was in my sister's wedding on the East Coast, and then we flew back to Scotland and spent the past week getting re-adjusted to the time zone and getting over some nasty head colds. So blogging about our snowy adventures sorta took the backseat. Anyhow, here are some pictures from our beautifully snowy Christmas adventure. :) 

This was one of the most perfect Christmases I can remember. Cozy cabins, wood fireplaces, lots and lots of Earl Grey Lattes, snowshoeing, seeing family, snowmobiling, seeing old friends over breakfast, knitting by the fire... the list goes on. 

Snowmobiling through the meadow...

Every morning we would walk down to the lodge for breakfast and I would watch the sun rise over the mountains (with my cup of tea in hand!) and soak up the beauty! 

Of course, snowshoe hikes after dark are a must under the Christmassy full moon. The stars were bright and twinkling and we all sorta froze our noses (or beards) on our hike, but it was great exercise and I would totally do it again. I was bummed this picture didn't come out clearer, but my fingers were FREEZING so I got sorta lazy... 

This is my favorite staircase in the world. Beautiful wood, unique design, spiral staircase... it's perfect. ;) 

I love our Christmas Day picture with our matching shirts, flannel-lined slippers, and friendly bearskin in the background. ;) 

I love our Christmas Day picture with our matching shirts, flannel-lined slippers, and friendly bearskin in the background. ;) 

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas season and a happy New Year! I found some more pictures from our last drive in Northern Scotland so I'll get around to posting those later this week! Happy Monday! :)